This project is a pathtracer shader writen purely in GLSL that runs on the GPU. It supports a variety of features and visual effects such as IBL, tonemapping, specular, refraction, specular and absorption.
It can be tested live over at Shadertoy right now, including the source code!
- Image-Based Lighting (IBL)
- Temporal Antialiasing (TAA)
- HDR colorspace with basic ACES "filmic" tonemapping
- Physically Based Rendering (PBR)
- Absorption (Beer-Lambert law)
- Refraction using the material IOR (refractive index, with roughness)
- Importance Sampling via Cosine-Weighted Hemispheres
- Material system with albedo/specular/roughness/IOR/emissiveness
- Diffuse lighting and Reflections (with roughness)
- Early termination of low-throughput rays
- Manual exposure
- Fresnel
- Texture mapping
- Emission
- Runs interactively and entirely on the GPU in real time!